Meet the 2022-2023 Oncology Fellow Carly Rosemore, MD

Carly Rosemore | Kristen Ann Carr Fund Oncology Fellow
Carly Rosemore, MD, is a third-year pediatrics fellow in the combined MSK and NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell program. Her primary clinical and research focus has been the study and treatment of patients with rare pediatric solid tumors. During her fellowship, she has been inspired by patients and their families who have traveled throughout the world to participate in clinical trials for their cancers. While caring for these patients, she has become even more motivated to find new therapies. After completing her fellowship, Dr. Rosemore wants to combine the clinical expertise that she is learning from her mentors at MSK with the knowledge and experience that she is gaining in the laboratory. Her long-term goals are to focus on the care of pediatric patients with solid tumors and to develop and lead early-phase clinical trials that will produce innovative advances in the treatment of childhood solid tumors.
Research Summary
Under the mentorship of Sanford Simon, PhD, at The Rockefeller University, Dr. Rosemore has been studying fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLC), which is a rare liver cancer primarily diagnosed in adolescents and young adults. People with FLChave few treatment options, and there are currently no effective chemotherapies. Because of this, patients with metastatic disease have a 10% to 20% survival rate in the five years after diagnosis. Dr. Rosemore has been studying novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of people with FLC. Her work in the lab employs high-throughput drug screens and functional precision medicine to aid in the discovery of new treatments. By establishing robust preclinical data, she hopes to provide the scientific basis for multicenter clinical trials. A drug that is effective against FLC
can be brought into clinical trials and could potentially leadto an improved survival rate among the young adults diagnosed with this disease.